Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Up-do for Long Hair with Braid

Today, I went to a kind of health fair where there was a booth for Toni & Guy Hair Academy here in Albuquerque. They were doing manicures and hair styling for free. I got a simple manicure with a dark blue color and a bright fuschia accent nail. Being that I have really long hair, I decided to let them style it and see what they come up with. The girl that did mine was very good. She did an amazing braid design that started on each side and met in the back. I felt a little like Katniss from Hunger Games and I always wished I could do my hair like that! It was a great experience and I also loved that it was free. You can get many discounted services at schools like this one. They also gave me a coupon for a free haircut. If you're brave and want to save some cash, you can take the gamble and let a student do your hair :)

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